Behrends Group
Fact: DCS PRINTOVATORS™ DO MORE with their Direct Jet UV LED printers. They develop more applications, produce more products, and generate more profits.
Fact: DCS PRINTOVATORS™ DO MORE with their Direct Jet UV LED printers. They develop more applications, produce more products, and generate more profits.
Behrends started over 60 years ago, designing and manufacturing cast bronze, aluminum, and brass plaques & signage. They have now forged ahead to help businesses and individuals stay current, offering a wide variety of materials and product types, including ADA/Braille and Architectural signage.
Behrends specializes in Architectural Signage, Wayfinding Systems, Monumental Features (such as donor and recognition walls), Plaques of all varieties, and Bronze Sculptures. Using a photopolymer method to create ADA/Braille signs worked well for them for years. But as customers want more and more customization, manufacturing was becoming more expensive and time-consuming. So when looking to upgrade the ADA/Braille and Architectural signage department Behrends knew that the DCS UV84-DTS was what it needed to increase profits.
With full customization, faster processing and manufacturing, and less expensive manufacturing methods the UV84-DTS is a home run. The UV84-DTS provides an all-digital way to produce ADA/Braille and Architectural signage.
Behrends Group
2207 91 Avenue
Edmonton, AB TP6 1L1
DIRECT COLOR SYSTEMS, TEXTUR3D, and INKMARK are the subjects of US Patent and Trademark Office trademark registrations owned by Direct Color Inc. dba Direct Color Systems.
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